Friday, 17 June 2016

Reflect On The Past, To Build On The Future

As we near the end of Term 2, the MDTA have the task to create an interview reflecting on our first six months as a teacher, and as a teacher part of the MDTA. We have been encouraged to think critically about our development and learning as beginning teachers and what has supported us throughout the rollarcoaster, reflect and move forward.

As we have two weeks to complete this task, I am taking considerable time to think through exactly what I have learnt, what skills and knowledge I have developed, and what my current teaching philosophy is. The questions we were provided as a template for the interview are both broad and specific at the same time, because they may have a variety of answers, but making them specific to me is difficult. I don't really know who I am as a teacher to be honest, and I don't think I will know for a long time, when I have had more experience.

However, I have been thinking a lot about the value of self reflection. Although feedback and feedforward from others is helpful for my development, I think deep down, I know in order to move forward I have to accept my successes and failures, and my strengths and weaknesses as a learner, a teacher, a colleague and a person in order to move forward. Accepting one as a learner who requires ongoing reflection, also proves to me the importance of resilience.

The above clip discusses teacher reflective practice, and how lucky I am as a teacher to have the opportunity to continually be challenged, to continually ask why and to continually progress and develop to become an even better teacher. I will be filming and editing my interview this week and at my digital immersion next Friday, watch this space!

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