Tuesday, 28 February 2017

Hāuora Through Cartoons

In Junior Health our unit is about our Hāuora and wellbeing, to learn and revise the four dimensions of the whare tapa wha. The focus of Year 10 is to begin to interrelate the four dimensions, as they all effect each other. I describe to my students the metaphor of a bulldozer knocking over the whare - as soon as one wall starts to crash, the others crash too (although this may not happen straight away, it will happen over time). This is our Health and wellbeing in a nutshell.

To revise the dimensions and think about what affects us, Year 10s are currently completing their own PowToons. As an example for the students I created the below PowToon. This activity encourages students to reflect on their wellbeing, and is formative/summative assessment for me to gauge student understanding (or lack of).

Check out some of the students work below. I will continue to add as more students complete their blog posts. (Sidenote - I am excited for students to start blogging again!).


  1. This is such a creative way to reflect your students learning! Tumeke Georgia <3

    1. Thanks Kata - hopefully the students have taken something away from it. Has been a great reflection for me to see where students need more support!


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