Wednesday 25 May 2022

GEM: An Acronym For Your Pathway To Resilience

After discussing with my friend the Youth Mental Health First Aid course, she suggested that I read The Resilience Project. Here is a small extract from the book, to give some context about some of the stories that are explored (please note this story explores eating disorders and sexual abuse). Everything throughout the book is related back to mental health, and the overall goal of the project is to educate about mental health strategies (and of course reduce the stats surrounding mental health). 

The three pillars embedded within the project are gratitude, empathy and mindfulness - GEM. Hugh explores these in detail in the below interview and there is a heap of more info and resources on the website.

Hugh frequently refers to the story of a child he met in India who would say 'dis!' every time he saw or learnt something he was grateful for. This story has inspired many people share their gratitude and there was even a #dismoment challenge circulating social media. How powerful is that?! Can you challenge yourself to take a moment to reflect on 'dis'?

To learn more, see some of the sample presentation slides here or read through the website. The Resilience Project offer so much more than just the book! I have also reflected on my own resilience previously and some of the resources I found. Of course, reading the book is also a great place to start!

Reading the book has motivated me to start a gratitude journal. I'll reflect each day on 3 things that I was grateful for that day and then one thing I am looking forward to the next day. The Resilience Project do have an app but I think I'll start in a physical journal. The stats that support implementing this process daily over a period of time are astounding, such as the alongside.

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